St. Antonius Hospital
Since 2021, St. Antonius Hospital has been using Patient Journey App to guide patients receiving a neuromodulator with timely information. Additionally, they monitor pain scores to enable immediate contact with the patient if necessary.
Ralph Aarsman
Ralph Aarsman is a pain consultant working in the Pain Management department at St. Antonius Hospital in Nieuwegein. This department treats patients with various chronic pain conditions, including the placement of a neuromodulator.
Value based healthcare
For some patients with chronic pain, a neuromodulator can provide significant relief from their symptoms. The device is implanted under the skin and sends electrical signals that disrupt the pain signals between the spinal cord and the brain. Patients undergoing this treatment go through a lengthy and complex process involving multiple hospital visits, typically two surgeries, and several follow-up appointments.
"We noticed that patients struggled to remember all the information. I can understand this: it’s a lot of information on a rather complex topic. Besides being unpleasant for the patient, we also observed this issue in our department through the number of unforeseen appointments, problems, and phone calls.
To restructure the care process, we initiated a value-based healthcare (VBHC) project. In our search for supporting patients, we were introduced to Patient Journey App through our partner, Saluda Medical.”
“We noticed that patients found it difficult to remember all the information”
Benefits for the patient and healthcare provider
Thanks to the app, patients have experienced an increased sense of self-management, greater engagement, and higher satisfaction with the care provided. In particular, the videos and timely information make patients feel that they are in continuous contact with their healthcare provider.
There are also many benefits for healthcare providers:
"From the perspective of the healthcare providers, we’ve observed that the new care pathway design has led to increased efficiency and productivity: the number of unforeseen appointments, issues, and phone calls has decreased by approximately 80%!"
"Another advantage is that we can collect our PROMs, PREMs, and pain scores through the app. We now receive this data digitally, processed per individual patient on a dashboard. This allows us to respond immediately to abnormal scores or patient questions. This is truly a significant improvement!"
“The number of unforeseen appointments, issues, and phone calls has decreased by approximately 80%!”
Reactions patients
For the past few months, the first patients have been using the app. So far, feedback indicates that the symptom diary provides them with a sense of security. They find it very reassuring to know that their progress is being monitored from the sidelines. Additionally, they feel honoured to be among the first to use the app.
Patients appreciate the amount of information provided and the sufficient number of push notifications. Some find the language level a bit challenging in places, so we are addressing this. Caregivers have also expressed positive feedback, noting that the app is user-friendly and helps them stay informed about the patient’s condition. For example, a daughter assists her mother with filling out the questionnaire when she encounters difficulties.
“Patients find it very reassuring to know that their progress is being monitored from the sidelines.”
Ralph mentions that developing the treatment within Patient Journey App has been a rewarding and enjoyable journey, with many milestones along the way. “Together with you, we have truly created something wonderful! We have fully utilised the possibilities of the app to optimise the care we provide.”
He also notes that they recently conducted a satisfaction survey, which led to adjustments in the app’s content. As a result, the app continues to evolve and is essentially never finished. The survey also revealed that patients appreciate the push notifications, even though the hospital was initially concerned about sending too many notifications.
“What has positively surprised me is the number of patients using the app, including those over 80 years old!”
“I always tell everyone that the app is like a friend, guiding you continuously through the different phases of your treatment.”
Looking to the future, St. Antonius Hospital will continue to optimise the app in terms of providing information and functionalities, including the use of the chat feature offered by the app.
More information?
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