Digital information provision

ETZ (Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital)

The ETZ has been working for some time to digitise the information provision to patients. The hospital still offers paper brochures, but is increasingly directing patients to the website and, from now on, also to Patient Journey App.

Sandra Schuermans

Communication advisor at the ETZ and responsable for patient communication


"As a hospital, we noticed that our patients are becoming increasingly digital nowadays. People are much more focused on their phones. When I look at myself, for example, when I go to the municipality or if I want access to tickets like cinema tickets, I do everything on my phone. Even older people are using smartphones or tablets more and more."

"Even older people are increasingly using smartphones or tablets."

Benefits for ETZ

Printing brochures, aside from being somewhat outdated, is also a significant cost for the hospital. It often happens that large quantities of brochures are requested at once, only to be discarded later due to changes in the content. The app is always up-to-date, and small changes can be made quickly.

An app on your phone is something you always have with you. Another major advantage is the ability to send notifications to patients via the app. This allows you to alert patients, for instance, to stop taking certain medications or to remain fasting before surgery. This way, you receive the information exactly when you need it. With a brochure, you get all the information at once, and you may quickly forget some things. The app provides relevant information at the right time.

"Printing brochures, aside from being somewhat outdated, is also a significant expense for the hospital."

Benefits for the patient

Patients really appreciate receiving information in parts this way. The majority prefer to receive information via an app and find it helpful to get the information when it is actually relevant. Additionally, more and more people nowadays have caregivers around them. In such situations, it’s also beneficial to be able to follow the treatment of your parents or other loved ones and receive the correct information.

"The majority prefer to receive information via an app and appreciate receiving it when it is actually relevant."

Feedback from doctors and nurses

The doctors and nurses currently using the app are very enthusiastic: “Patients find this much nicer; I’ve stopped handing out brochures, and patients are really excited.” Additionally, Sandra notes that since they started offering the app hospital-wide, more departments are wanting to join.

One advantage of the app is that we can include a general hospital video at the start of treatment. We can also add instructional videos on rehabilitation and exercises, which is very helpful as well.

What improvements would you like to see in the app in the future?

"So far, almost everything I've asked for is possible, and if it isn't, it turns out someone else has already requested it, and Patient Journey App is already working on it. Patient Journey App is very innovative and often anticipates my questions. One useful feature could be the ability to refer from one treatment to another."

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